all flats.
pure genius.
Inspired by bringing women back to more theatrical, lively ways of dressing, my all time favorite man/designer/person Marc Jacobs presented his Spring 2010 show on Monday.
"If last season was a trip back in time to the eighties," he continued, "this was a trip to the theater, the ballet, the opera."
Now I'm really not sure any show will ever beat out Marc's Spring 09 show, and I mean for the rest of my life. But this show, while lacking the same fluidity usually expected by his fans, brought costumes right off a stage and onto the streets.
The minute details always make it for me. They are why I hold the most respect for him as a designer. He could probably twist around a bag of garbage and sell it for thousands on Madison Avenue.
And I still cannot BELIEVE he didn't use heels.
Slideshow of the looks.
Favorite Look:

It has a military feel, which doesn't really go with the rest of the looks. But the skirt fits in, and is completely genius. However, it's really too bad I'd need pants since my legs do not look like that.
...and I may or may not get in trouble as soon as these shoes come out for purchasing them immediately.
Photo by: Marcio Madeira via
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